
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dumex Dugro Malaysia (Second Sponsored Post)

(This is a sponsored post of Dumex Dugro courtesy of Nuffnang MY)

It's been a wonderful 5 years since I first became a mommy. My kids are now 5 and 3 years old. I love my kids very much and I have always wanted the best for them. Each kid is unique and what works best for one may not work best for the other. What works for one stage may not work for the next.

As the kids have started their kindergarten and the school is accepting more students, I find that my concerns for them have been re-prioritised. I am concerned about their intellectual development as I want my kids to excel academically so that they can get into a good school later on. I try to help out at home to reinforce what the teacher has taught at school. I play word games with my kids whenever we are waiting for food at the restaurants. I use marbles to help my kids visualize math problems whenever we are doing maths exercises.

I am concerned about their physical development as a good brain is in a good body and I need them to be active so that their brains will continue to develop as well (side tracking here but there is an excellent article on what's good for the brain is good for the body here).

I am concerned about their immune system as I don't want them to easily fall sick whenever a bug / virus is going around. It always break my heart whenever my kids are down with something, whenever their body burn like fire fighting off some bug and whenever they toss and turn at night uncomfortably. 

That is why I find the newly relaunched Dumex Dugro 5 P©werNutri which focuses on the 5 developmental priorities of growing up children which are brain development, bones development, digestion, immunity and vitality extremely appealing. It seems to address all my concerns and more. The growing up milk powder is also available in several variants:

  • Regular variant with the goodness of milk, 0% sucrose and high in Vitamin C to aid iron absorption
  • Honey Date variant: 0% sucrose with the goodness of honey and real extract of the power fruit dates. High in Viamin B complex that aids nervous system maintenance, formation of antibodies and building immunity.
  • Chocolate Strawberry variant : yummy chocolate with extract of real strawberries with 30% lower sucrose than previous formulation. It is also rich in Vitamin A, C & E.

Dumex Dugro 5 P©wer Nutri is also available in Fruits & Veg and Multi Grains. 

formula milk brands
Dumex Dugro 5 P©wer Nutri in Honey Date Variant

growing up milk malaysia
Dumex Dugro 5 P©wer Nutri in Chocolate Strawberry Variant

I bought two packets of Dumex Dugro 5 P©wer Nutri in Chocolate Strawberry and Fruits & Veg to try out. I introduced the Chocolate Strawberry to my 3 years old first and he really liked it. I liked it too    (yes I am one of those parents who taste their kids' milk haha) The chocolate is light and the strawberry taste is just the right hint to add some sweetness without overkill. Kind of like hot milo with just the right hint of sugar. (yes... I like my milo either plain or with just a hint of sugar) mommy like son. 

Aside from all the nutritional goodness of the growing up milk, I also like the fact that Dumex Dugro 5 P©wer Nutri comes in a packet instead of a can so that you can cut down on your carbon footprint, that the price for the growing up milk is very pocket-friendly and the formula is a result of extensive research by their dedicated scientists coupled with consultations with paediatricians and nurses around the world Now, that is quality assured to me J

Dumex Dugro Malaysia is launching a contest on their facebook page. Play a simple game and you get a chance to win 1 month supply of  Dumex Dugro 5 P©wer Nutri (Regular / Honey Date / Chocolate Strawberry) Details as per below:

I tried the contest and it was quite fun once you get used to the keyboard keys to press. 

Contest Details: Dugro 5 P©wer Nutri Music Jam
§  Terms and Conditions: Refer game tab
§  Prizes: 1 month supply of Dugro ( equals to 4 packs, only applicable to Dugro Asli, Madu Kurma dan Coklat Strawberi)
§  Contest Period: 23rd  April – 3rd June

Dumex Malaysia is also running a promotion "Buy 2 packs of Dumex Dugro 5 P©wer Nutri (Regular/Honey Date/Chocolate Strawberry) and get one free acrylic star bowl (available at all major retail outlets except Tesco).

milk powder malaysia
Dumex Dugro 5 P©wer Nutri

Find out more about Dumex Malaysia at their website here and their facebook page here.

First Google AdSense Pay Out

This is my 300th post, so I thought I should update about how my blog is going about financially just for my record. There are a lot of blogs out there that talk about how to make money with blogging but not many of them actually highlighting that making money through blogging takes hard work and at least 1 - 2 years before you see a reasonable amount of traffic and some earnings unless you are the sort who writes about everything and anything under the sun 20 times a day without fail. Please don't try and take the easy way out of copying and pasting other bloggers posts so that you can have a lot of posts without much hard work. It infuriates the blogger that sweats out to post original content and dampens his / her spirit. In terms of blogging "copy and paste" is not the same as "sharing is caring" if you like the article enough to share, please hit the facebook share button or google+ button. That is much appreciated. 

When I first started out blogging, I tried adsense and Nuffnang SG. I chose adsense mainly because adsense googlebots has the ability to place contextual ads based on the topic that  I am writing and also interest-based ads that has no connection with whatever  I am writing but is there because apparently you have searched / browsed something related to it on your computer before. For example, you might be reading my review of a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur but google adsense is showing an ad about free background music because you have searched for "free background music for youtube videos" 2 hours before. Genius isn't it? That is also the main reason why my blog is in English even though my main readers are Malaysian and I am sure that if I write a lot of posts in Malay, my unique audience per day will also rise significantly. As googlebots capability -at this moment- to understand Malay is quite limited, the contextual and interest-based ads capabilities are some what handicapped. 

I also dropped Nuffnang SG after 1 month cos I didn't know that Nuffnang MY operates differently from Nuffnang SG and you can't run both at the same time. 

How is my Google Adsense earnings? Not very much I would say, I only hit the payout threshold (USD100) after 16 months.  Based on my current adsense earnings, I am estimating to hit my next payout threshold in 10 months. An increase yes, but I would of course like it to be more. 

My Nuffnang MY earnings on the hand, my Cost-Per-Click campaign for 9 months totalled RM12.40,  and Cost Per Unique visit RM0.06.. it was quite a damper for me, but then out of the blue came a sponsored post assignment with a payout of RM690 and I am like wow.. suddenly my Nuffnang MY earnings overtook my google adsense earnings. After the sponsored posts assignments came 2 blogbuster campaign proposal but my readership is still quite small so I don't think a lot of people will view my videos :) and since I am a mom of two small kids staying in Kuala Lumpur away from family support, I can't really participate in all the exciting Nuffnang MY events that would open up more doors for me as a blogger. Nevertheless, I am quite happy with Nuffnang MY at this moment. 

After 2 years of blogging and with views per month of 25k-30k, I realize that the hard work must continue before my blog become a dependable sideline income for me :)

Here's looking forward to share more of ponderings, information and adventures with all of you and hopefully more income from adsense and Nuffnang MY :) 

Below is my first cheque from adsense which I banked into my POSB account just like any normal cheque:

buat duit dengan blogging
Making money with blogging through Adsense

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SEO Tips Fro 50 Ways

Sunday, May 19, 2013

KL Kids : Weekend Water Play @ Publika Playground

kl kids activities
KL Kids: Weekend @ Publika Mall

It's the weekend again and mummy needs to do a spot of groceries shopping but the kids need to expend their bountiful energy. I wasn't in the mood to drive to Mutiara Damansara as parking is horrendous during weekend and KLCC is just a no-no. So, we headed to Publika. The kids been here a few times and hubby and I like to eat here sometimes though we keep the groceries shopping at B.I.G to a minimal since its quite expensive. 

Publika is quite convenient to us in terms of location and amenities, there's a variety of eating places, there's an outdoor playground @ The Park, an indoor playground (Jkids), there is a super market and a surau. The downside of it is it's super confusing car park, lack of baby room, Toys R Us and Mothercare (or any shop that sells kids clothing (boys 4 years onwards to be exact). 

kuala lumpur parks
KL Kids : Playing at Publika Playground

Arriving at Publika, the kids remembered the park right away and asked to go there (funny they didn't request for JKids) the outdoor playground is just beside the korean restaurant called (Namoo On The Park) the playground is not very shaded and since most of the equipments are from metal, it's advisable to go only when its cool and nice. I didn't plan to take any picture actually but yesterday there were a few people snapping pictures at the park (I understand mothers with kids but girls in their twenties? hmm.. and also a couple for a wedding photo shoot?) It kind of hampered playing with my kids at the park cos we have to consciously try not to get in their "shot" but when I was playing hide and seek with my kids at the Publika playground and accidentally step on the fountain "on/off" control, I let my 3 year old play with the fountain and a lady came by and took a picture of him playing with the fountain and I thought "if someone is blogging about the Publika park with my kid's picture, I might as well do it too." 

where to go with kids in kl
KL Kids : Having fun with the monkey bars @ Publika Mall

So, above are pictures of the Publika Playground, its a small playground but my kids seem to like it very much. That's great for us since its free haha.. my 3 year old also like the water fountains / shower but there is no changing room provided so you would have to bring a towel and either be very thick skinned like me and change your son there or walk to the wash room inside the Publika mall. Come on Sundays am and enjoy their Sunday Wheelie, it's an event where they close all the inner roads at Publika Mall for the kids to run, cycle and just enjoy walking around the mall (I haven't participate yet as we tend to sleep in on Sundays :) but google "Publika Wheelie Sundays" and you will see some blog postings. Looks quite fun with nasi lemak stalls and music for aerobics as well :) Maybe, one of these weekend, we might just go :)

Wheelie Sundays @ Publika Mall

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Video Mengenal Bentuk Untuk Pra Sekolah

aktiviti mengenal bentuk prasekolah
Ajar anak mengenal bentuk asas dengan video simple

Bentuk-bentuk asas untuk diperkenalkan kepada anak-anak peringkat pra-sekolah adalah:
1 - Bulat ----> Bahasa Inggeris =  (Circle) ----> Bahasa Arab = (دائرة) "Dairah"
2- Bujur  ----> Bahasa Inggeris = (Oval)  ----> Bahasa Arab = (بيضاوي) "Baidhawi"
3- Segi Tiga ----> Bahasa Inggeris = (Triangle) ----> Bahasa Arab = (مثلث) "Muthallath"
4- Segi Empat Sama  ----> Bahasa Inggeris = (Square) ----> Bahasa Arab = (مربع) "Murabba'"
5 - Segi Empat Tepat  ----> Bahasa Inggeris = (Rectangle) ----> Bahasa Arab = (مستطيل) "Mustathil"
6- Anak Bulan   ----> Bahasa Inggeris = (Crescent) ----> Bahasa Arab = (هلال) "Hilal"
7 - Bintang  ----> Bahasa Inggeris = (Star) ----> Bahasa Arab = (نجم) "Najm"

Dalam usaha untuk memperkenalkan Bahasa Melayu kepada anak-anak saya yang berumur 3 dan 5 tahun, saya sedang cuba belajar membuat video-video simple menggunakan sofwe "GIMP" dan "Windows Live Movie Maker". 

Bagi anak-anak kecil, saya hanya ingin memperkenalkan bentuk-bentuk asas seperti : bulat, bujur, segi tiga, segi empat sama dan segi empat tepat. Kemudian, saya tambahkan bentuk bintang, hati dan anak bulan supaya mereka terhibur :)

Ia agak mengambil masa untuk mempelajari GIMP untuk melukis tetapi saya agak gembira dengan natijahnya walaupun video ini agak simple. 

Pada masa yang sama, dapat juga mencuba versi bahasa arab. Video yang sama tetapi kali ini untuk mengenali bentuk dalam Bahasa Arab :)

bahasa arab pra-sekolah
Bentuk "Hati" - "Qalb" Dalam Bahasa Arab untuk kanak-kanak pra sekolah

Video ini boleh ditonton di youtube , harap pembaca dapat "like" dan "share" :)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Easy Chinese Fried Rice Recipe

chinese fried rice recipe
My Simple Chinese Fried Rice Recipe

This is an easy recipe for chinese fried rice that I will whip up for my 5 year old whenever I am too busy to cook rice with dishes. I don't really put in a lot of stuff and I don't use any vegetables since my kids won't touch the vegetables. You can however add in anything else that you deem fit. This recipe is just enough for two adults or 1 adult and 2 kids since I don't like to cook a lot :)

Ingredients for the Chinese Fried Rice are as such:

1 medium sized red onion - sliced
4 cloves garlic - pounded
2 tablespoon dried shrimps (soak in warm water for about 5 minutes then pounded)
chicken fillet (as desired)
fresh prawns (as desired, de-veined and de-shelled)
2 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoon sesame seed oil
1 tablespoon cooking oil
1 egg 
2 bowls of cooled cooked rice

How to cook Chinese Fried Rice:

1. Heat up the butter, sesame seed oil and cooking oil and saute the onion and garlic till the aroma wafts the air.

2. Add in the dried shrimps and chicken fillet until the chicken is cooked.

3. Add in the fresh prawns (you can add in some water if it gets too dry so that you don't burn the onions).

4. Add in the egg and stir till cooked.

5. Add a dash of pepper and salt to taste.

6. Lastly, add in the cooked rice little by little and mix well. (Taste the fried rice by stages to check the flavour, stop adding the rice when the taste is just how you like it).

Resepi Nasi Goreng Cina

resipinasi goreng cina
My Simple Nasi Goreng Cina Recipe

Resepi nasi goreng cina untuk anak I yang berumur 5 tahun. I tak letak sayur sebab budak-budak ni memang tak makan sayur. Resepi nasi goreng cina ini cukup untuk 2 orang dewasa atau 1 dewasa dan 2 kanak-kanak makan sahaja hehe.. sorry I tak suka masak banyak2..

Resepi nasi goreng cina:

1 biji bawang besar (saiz sederhana) - dihiris
4 biji bawang putih (ditumbuk)
2 sudu makan udang kering (rendam dulu dengan air panas 5 minit kemudian tumbuk halus)
isi ayam (ikut suka berapa banyak)
udang (ikut suka berapa banyak) dibersihkan dan dibuang kulit
2 sudu makan mentega
2 sudu makan minyak bijan
1 sudu makan minyak masak
lada putih
1 biji telur
2 mangkuk nasi yang telah sejuk.

(Anda juga boleh menambah bahan-bahan lain seperti lobak merah, fish ball dan sebagainya mengikut citarasa anda.)

Cara-cara memasak nasi goreng cina:

1. Panaskan mentega, minyak bijan dan minyak masak, kemudian tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih hingga bangkit aroma bawang.

2. Tambahan udang kering dan ayam sehingga ayam masak.

3. Masukkan udang (tambahkan air sedikit jika terlalu kering supaya bawang tidak hangus)

4. Masukkan telur dan gaulkan hingga masak.

5. Tambahkan serbuk lada putih dan garam secukup rasa.

6. Akhir sekali masukkan nasi sedikit demi sedikit dan gaul rata.

Sedap dihidangkan dengan ayam goreng berempah dan keropok :)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Halal Food at Changi Airport Terminal 1 Transit Area / Departure Lounge

Air Asia -yet again- since it's the only budget carrier that can be booked online less than 24 hours prior to departure. Rudely shocked at the check in counter though that separate bookings can not combine luggage allowance. Oh My God! What kind of rule is that especially since it is pretty clear that we are travelling as a a family? With combined allowance we were only 2 kg over but with separate baggage allowance since one bag is medium sized and the other is small, we were about 6kg over. How do we transfer 4kg of stuff into the smaller bag when both bags are full? I was fuming mad with the lady for being such a stickler and after trying to rearrange the kids toys we just decided to pay the SGD23/kg excess baggage fee. But, I still felt that she is being unreasonable so I told her that we have always been travelling with separate bookings and combined luggage allowance and it never mattered and 2 kg over is a matter of discretion especially for the last flight out where plane load is not full. And the lady said "No, Ma'am, I can't combine baggage allowance because of the system and yes, 1 kg over is ok but 2 kg is not." I felt like hurling expletives at her at that moment but decided it's not worth it. Then she said I will put in baggage allowance of 15kg for your son's booking which is together with yours so that you only need to pay SGD45 instead of SGD 138 excess baggage fee. At that point of time, I was quite relieved that I kept my lid on instead of screaming at her face earlier. So, for those travelling with Air Asia, do take note of this "no combined baggage allowance for separate booking rule". 
My kiddo with Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf's chocolate cake

After going through the customs, we were feeling quite hungry but I don't think the kids were in the mood for Texas Chicken so we headed for Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf cafe just behind the immigration counters. My first son wanted donuts but there weren't any at Coffee Bean so we ordered chocolate cake instead, since it was late at night, we got a complimentary slice with our purchase :)

My Turkey Bacon Sandwich at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Singapore Airport T1

I wanted a quick sandwich so I ordered a turkey bacon sandwich and the kids had spaghetti while hubby ordered linguine carbonara. It was a quick meal since we only had 20 minutes to spare before boarding and Air Asia gate is always at the end of Terminal 1. 

Halal Food at Singapore Airport Terminal 1

Halal Restaurant at Singapore Airport Terminal 1

Food was average but filling, we are just happy that there is a halal restaurant at the transit area of Singapore Airport Terminal 1. For first time visitors to Singapore, do note that not all eating places in Singapore is halal. The stalls are halal only of it is owned by a Muslim or it carries the MUIS "halal" logo as per below pic: 

Halal Restaurants in Singapore not owned by a Muslim must have this logo by  Islamic Religious Council of Singapore

  To know a list of halal eateries at Singapore Airport, check out the airport website here

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Halal Thai Restaurant @ Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 2 : Central Thai

halal restaurants singapore
Halal Thai Restaurant : Central Thai @ Changi Airport T2

Last weekend, we tried out a halal certified Thai restaurant at Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 2. The restaurant is called Central Thai, while waiting to be seated, we also noticed that another halal restaurant called "Penang Culture" is slated to be opened in May 2013 (we are assuming end May since it was already first week of May then). Hubby is a fan of Penang Culture @ Century Square and seems happy that it is opening an outlet at Terminal 2.

thai halal singapore
First time trying out a Pomelo Salad @ Central Thai

Why did we decide to try out Central Thai, err.. because I am a nosy parker and I stumbled upon a friend's FB post, she said that it was nice and when we were there, we also bumped into another old acquaintance that was having dinner (for the first time too) at Central Thai and she also said that the food there is nice. Central Thai was pretty jam-packed during dinner time and when we came at 9.00pm Saturday evening, the dinner crowd was just easing.

I decided to be adventurous and ordered a pomelo salad instead of my usual mango salad. It is basically pomelo sliced into thick chunks and dripped with an oil+ chilli base with peanuts and blanched prawns tossed in. It was sweet (pomelo), spicy (chilli) sour (must be the limes) and crunchy (peanuts) at the same time. It would have been lovely has it not been for a particular bitter taste that I can't put my finger on every time I bite into something.

halal restaurants singapore
Singapore Halal Food: Central Thai's Seafood Tom Yum

halal singapore
Singapore Halal Food : Seafood Tom Yum @ Changi Airport Terminal 2

When eating in a Thai restaurant, a tom yum is a must for us, so we ordered the seafood tom yum. The Tom Yum came in a hot pot (the flames went out less than 3 minutes on our table) and was very mild. The seafood was generous but the tom yum soup was lacking punch a bit on the watery side in my opinion. Nice to slurp but absolutely tasteless when eaten with rice.

halal restaurants singapore
Halal Singapore: Pandan Chicken @ Central Thai

Pandan chicken used to be hubby's favorite dish though I am not partial to this dish as I don't like chicken flesh that much. It has been a long time since I last ate this dish so I can't really compare it with others. All I know is that the chicken is not crispy, doesn't seemed to have any spice / marinade and the chili sauce made it tolerable. 

halal thai singapore
Halal Singapore: Butter Prawns @ Central Thai Singapore Airport

Butter Prawns was the only decent dish of the night, the floss was creamy and when you bite the bird's eyes chillies.. the spiciness level is searing.. unfortunately, the prawns have rather thin shells that cling to the flesh thus making de-shelling them a chore. (I don't like eating prawns with their shells)

iced lemon tea
Thai Lemon Tea @ Central Thai

Drinks were limited to the safe "Iced Lemon Tea" though we didn't even finished it as the tea was the strong thai tea and not the normal out of the can lemon tea like Season's or Pokka. So, if you like strong Thai tea, you will like this drink but we don't quite favor it. 

Hubby also ordered Iced Kachang with Vanilla Ice Cream (which I didn't take a picture of) hubby liked it while I find the condiments (the green cha cha, the red beans and the black cincau) to be stripped of flavor, depending a lot on the vanilla ice cream to lend its sweetness and creaminess to the whole Ice Kachang.. for someone who likes the "kachang" part more than the "Ice", this dessert is a let down for me.

Overall verdict? Not coming back anytime soon. Will pick Penang Culture over this place anytime but will consider if there is no other place to head for. 

Central Thai is at Changi Airport Terminal 2,
Level 3, Viewing Mall (Public Area)

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singapore local food
Penang Culture @ Century Square

Visiting The "Palace" in Singapore : Istana

istana open house
Palace in Singapore - The Istana

The Istana is the official residence and office of the President of Singapore. It's grounds and selected function rooms of the Istana are open to public on 5 occasions each year Chinese New Year, Labour Day, National Day, Hari Raya Puasa and Deepavali.

Entrance for Singaporeans and Permanent Residence is free, while others are required to pay $1. You can access the Istana from the Orchard Road gate (besides Plaza Singapura Shopping Center / Dhoby Ghaut Interchage MRT Station). Opening hours are usually from 8.30am - 6.00pm though sale of tickets for the selected function rooms of the Istana stops at 5.30pm.

istana house
@ The Istana Open House 2013

istana singapore
My kids running on Istana grounds

It was our first visit to the Istana and we actually didn't know what to expect. We came after lunch at about 2.00pm (we were very fortunate that the weather was breezy and cloudy that day) and we didn't know that the Istana grounds were so huge and you have to walk up quite a distance just to get to the Istana. With two small kids in tow, we could have used a twin stroller. Some visitors seemed well prepared with picnic blankets, picnic baskets and even a ball to play with the kids. The grounds are absolutely lovely. Its simple and not really artistically landscaped but the wide open green field and old trees with a delightful pond that is home to a few ducks and a pair of swans are something that you rarely get to enjoy in Singapore. The kids enjoyed running and falling down all over the green grass.

istana open house activities
Some birds on display at The Istana Open House 2013

Halfway through to the Istana, there are a few tents with some activities for visitors. Face painting / body painting, a display of some birds by Wildlife Reserve Singapore, a performance by Singapore Symphony Orchestra and a play area for kids. We stopped at the tents for a short while for the kids to catch a breath and at the play area for quite a bit before starting back to head to the Istana. 

istana singapore reviews
My 5 year old with a teenage mutant ninja turtle body art
visit istana singapore
The play area @ Istana grounds during its open house

The fountain area opposite the Istana building is such a picturesque spot and the grass at that area so perfectly manicured that some people just walk bare footed to enjoy the feel of the grass beneath their feet  while my kids were wistfully looking at the fountain just waiting for the nod of our head to allow them to play with the water. Of course, since no one is doing it, we didn't dare give our kids the green light. But oh how I wish they could have :) 

images of singapore
The fountain opposite the Istana

We bought the tickets to enter the function rooms of the Istana, but no picture taking is allowed plus the crowd was quite bad. We were not really interested in looking at the special display of gifts presented to the President / Prime Minister and are not really art aficionados so we were out of the building in 10 minutes.

All in all, it was a nice day out and the kids actually didn't want to go back home cos they were enjoying running on the grass so much but the parents' legs were already wobbly.. haha.. maybe next time, when armed with picnic supplies, we will stay longer :) 

visit singapore palace
My boys at the Istana

Monday, May 6, 2013

Halal Food at Century Square - Penang Culture

Tampines Muslim residents are all too familiar with the all-halal food court at Century Square. Popular as it was, it closed down sometime last year much to my dismay. Kenny Rogers and Penang Culture now took over the shoplots. Luckily, Penang Culture obtained a halal certificate from MUIS, at least there is a place for us to eat in at Century Square after shopping with the kids at our favourite haunt Kiddy Palace and BHG. 

Taste-wise, I find it to be average and not too die for but hubby likes it very much and the mild taste also seems to win my two kiddos over. We would usually order the chicken sate when we eat here as my second son loves chicken. Surprisingly, this is the only place where my firstborn will eat chicken sate willingly too.

good food tampines
Halal Food Singapore: My Kids and Chicken Sate

The grilled platter was very nice when we had it the first time albeit the very small prawns (well, the fact that we were ravenous could have played a very important part) the second time we came, I find the grilled platter to be too spicy for my liking. 

singapore local food
Singapore Halal Food : Penang Culture's Grilled Platter

The Mee Goreng Mamak was the only exception to the mild offerings. It was so yummy, my firstborn finished the whole plate himself!

Halal Food Tampines
Halal Food Singapore: Mee Goreng Mamak @ Penang Culture

The nasi lemak, comes with chicken curry and acar (a sort of salad with cucumber, carrots and chilli oil) and omelette. Again, I find it to be mild. 

halal food century square
Halal Food Singapore: Nasi Lemak @ Penang Culture

Dessert was bubur pulut hitam and cendol. Both was mild tasting but was not bad. 

singapore food
Local Dessert : Bubur Pulut Hitam (Black Glutinous Rice Pudding with Creamy Coconut Milk)

halal dessert singapore
Local Dessert : Cendol

Overall Penang Culture is where I will head to with my kids whenever I need to do a spot of shopping and eat with the kids. It is not a place where I will purposely head to for good food though hubby thinks otherwise. 

Penang Culture is also slated to open at Changi Airport Terminal 2 :) Yeay!! So there are now more halal dining options at Changi Airport Terminal 2 other than the super crowded Swensen's.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ajar Anak Membaca Dengan "Siri Foniks Ria"

buku tadika bahasa melayu
Buku Cerita Kanak-kanak: Siri Foniks Ria

Baru-baru ini, saya membeli siri "Foniks Ria" oleh Rilla Melati untuk mengajar anak belajar membaca Bahasa Melayu dengan lebih lancar. Anak saya memang sebenarnya kurang pendedahan terhadap Bahasa Melayu kerana saya dan suami lebih selesa berbahasa Inggeris namun saya sedar bahawa ini adalah tren yang kurang sihat dan anak saya memerlukan dukungan dari rumah juga (bukan sahaja di tadika) untuk memastikan dia dapat menguasai Bahasa Melayu dengan baik. 

bahasa melayu prasekolah
Buku Cerita Kanak-kanak: "Raja Dan Ratu" Oleh Rilla Melati

ajar anak foniks
Siri Foniks Ria : Raja Dan Ratu 

Rata-rata buku cerita kanak-kanak Bahasa Melayu di Malaysia memang banyak cuma pada saya kurang menarik dari segi ilustrasi atau jalan cerita agak terlalu panjang untuk kanak-kanak yang baru mula belajar membaca. 

buku bahasa melayu tadika
Buku Cerita Kanak-kanak :Harimau yang Hebat oleh Rilla Melati

Mini Monsters
Buku Cerita Kanak-kanak: "Harimau Yang Hebat" Oleh Rilla Melati

"Siri Foniks Ria" terdiri daripada lapan tajuk setiap satu mempunyai hanya 10 lembar muka surat dan setiap lembar mempunyai kurang dari 6 perkataan. Ilustrasi yang comel dan jalan cerita yang mudah dapat menarik minat anak-anak saya (3 & 5 tahun) dan merangsang anak saya yang pertama untuk membaca secara berdikari. Mereka amat menyukai buku cerita tersebut sehingga saya membaca kelapan-lapan tajuk sebanyak dua kali pada malam pertama sebelum mereka tidur dan sekali lagi keesokan paginya. 

bacalah anakku
Buku Cerita Kanak-kanak: "Mana Naga" Oeh Rilla Melati

buku bahasa melayu tadika
Buku Cerita Kanak-kanak: "Selipar Si Siput" Oleh Rilla Melati

Tahiah Rilla Melati dan Najib Ali (Mini Monster) atas usaha mengenalkan Bahasa Melayu kepada anak-anak kecil kita. :)