
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kids trip to the Dentist @ Kota Damansara

Mikail's dental visit at Kota Damansara

Time for a dental check up for the kids but We can't make it back to Singapore to see our favorite dentist so.. have to make do with a dentist trip here in Malaysia.. asked around for recommendations as our personal experience(hubby and mine not the kids) with one of the dentist here was like a horror story. Mikail's classmate's mum recommended Dentessence at Dataran Sunway and I made an appoiontment soon after. 

Actually, the first time we came was because Mikail had one really wriggly tooth that was all out on one side and then still a bit rooted on the other side.. so.. I was too scared to take it out and I said let's just get the dentist to pull it out and the other one as well as the adult tooth is already showing behind the milk tooth. Took a bit of coaxing and he finally said ok. I was just scared that if we delay the pulling out of the tooth, he will have crooked or layered teeth..

When we came however, the dentist said that she prefers to let the tooth come out on its own (the second one) as she don't want children to grow up scared of dentists.. but she will help me pull out the first loose tooth. It was over in a few seconds and she was super gentle with my boy. That few seconds costed me RM50 though hmm.. oklah cos I pity my son as he was having difficulty eating with that loose tooth hanging around. 

The dentist also told me not to worry about the second tooth and that it is perfectly natural for the adult tooth to come out at the back and to just wait for it to come off.. oklah Mikail at least you don't have to be injected with an anesthetic and have your tooth taken out hehe.. so lucky the dentist is so pro-nature (is there even such a word ? haha) and I went back home not as worried about my son having crooked teeth 😄

We didn't do any cleaning cos I forgot to inform her about it before she pulled out the loose tooth ðŸ˜…

kids dentist pj
Umair's dental visit at Dentessence - Kota Damansara

The second time we came, I made an appointment for myself, Mikail (8) and Umair (6). Mikail went first, for cleaning and scaling.. the dentist then asked if I wanted to put in protective filling for Mikail's molars as it looks like it is difficult for him to clean that part and the filling is just so that the tooth won't be damaged until all the molars have come out properly.. I said ok.. she tried.. a few times.. but the one on the right side keeps coming off after a while.. I don't know why.. (it came off right after we exited the dental clinic too, but I didn't want to go back and let my son sit through another  round of it) (Charges for Mikail was RM90 - cleaning and scaling, RM70 each for the filling)

Umair's turn was next and she said that he is too young to do scaling.. so she will just clean his tooth a bit (that was RM20) 

My turn was last.. I haven't seen a doctor for maybe 3 years (cos of very bad pregnancy and also later taking care of baby) it was ok.. I usually don't like to go to just any dentist cos of my sensitive teeth and some dental visits can be really just oh so painful but Dr Ahbirami was very gentle and I didn't feel any sensitivities at all.. turns out she also has sensitive teeth so she knows what to look out for (haha lucky me) (Charges for me was 350 including 2 fillings) 

I snapped a picture of Mikail when he was on the chair with the dentist cleaning his teeth but I feel bad to post the picture cos I don't have her permission yeah.. So I am not posting that pic. 

Her clinic is very simple but clean and although it doesn't have games for the kids to entertain themselves while waiting (actually there was minimal waiting time when we were ther, cos we just waited for each other 😬) and no dvd player above the chair while having your tooth cleaned, I think she is a very nice dentist and can handle kids very well.. 

Dentessence is at:

No 43-2, Jln PJU 5/11, Dataran Sunway, 
Kota Damansara

T: 03-61407567

Operating hours:

Mon - Fri: 9.00 am - 6.00pm
Sat: 9.00 am - 4.00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

Map of Dentessence:

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Jalan-jalan - Bandung With Kids

As previously mentioned, kita orang pergi Bandung time Christmas / year end.. traffic jam teruk sangat so we all tak jalan keluar dari kota Bandung since anak2 i masih kecil lagi (8 thn, 6 thn dan >1 thn) I baca2 dari reviu Trans Studio agak kurang sesuai.. Bandung Zoo pula dapat reviu yang teramat sangat teruk oleh kerana kondisi haiwan yang amat dhaif.. jadi kitaorang pun tak pergilah sebab tak nak menyumbang kepada animal cruelty kaaaannnn...

So, tiga tempat yang kita pergi dengan anak2 adalah: 

Tangkuban Perahu with Kids - I love this pic, its so nice! tapi in reality atmosphere dia biasa2 je haha

1) Tangkuban Perahu:

 just to see from afar je... konon2 going to see a volcano.. budak2 pun excited haha.. kat situ boleh juga naik kuda tapi anak2 i tak berani.. jajan yang tepi jalan tu.. tak berani nak beri anak makan ye.. lalat berhurung.. 

2) Natural Strawberry Farm:

Yang ni pun sebab dekat sangat dengan Tangkuban Perahu.. jadi kita singgah lah.. budak2 suka dapat petik strawberry.. bila nak keluar nanti dia timbang berapa kita petik lepas tu kena bayar.. strawberry dia.. biasalah.. tak manis hehe..

Masa kita sampai tu cuma kita je ada.. jadi anak2 syiok ke sana ke mari petik strawberry.. jap lagi datang group lain pula.. daaaahhhh.. berlaga siapa dapat cari strawberry dulu haha.. strawberry dia tak banyak sangat.. tapi anak I puas lah jugak.. kesian yang datang lepas kita :p

bandung with kids
Strawberry farm berdekatan dengan Tangkuban Perahu..  

3) Paris Van Java - untuk Bird Park dan mini animal farm:

Bird Park @ Paris Van Java

Tak banyak orang tau yang tahu mana bird park ni.. kita orang cari sign pun tak nampak.. yang penting dia tingkat paling atas lah.. bertentangan roof top parking. so.. tempat yang kita naik tu kita naik escalator sampai kids zone or something like that nama dia.. then menghala ke lah Miniapolis (Sky Zone) nanti nampak lah macam lorong ke luar ke car park tu.. ah.. situ lah bird park and lactasari..

Bird Park ni I tak masuk sebab I bawak baby kan.. I takut hama nanti baby I kesian.. so.. hubby masuk dengan budak2.. gambar yang kat atas ni gambar kat luar je.. ada lagi binatang2 lain kat dalam.. yang burung hantu belah kanan tu boleh feed daging cucuk kat lidi.. yang belah kiri tu.. dia makan serangga apa entah, u kena mintak kat kounter pastu cucuk serangga tu hidup2 kat lidi ðŸ˜±ðŸ˜±ðŸ˜± anak2 i tak berani you.. ada budak tu i tengok cool je bagi burung hantu tu makan.. hahaha

animal farm paris van java
Lactasari @ Paris Van Java
Yang ðŸ‘† gambar kat Lactasari.. masa kita sampai dah dekat 3 petang rasanya.. jadi anak2 kambing semua dah kenyang.. tak nak minum susu.. jadi cuma boleh kasi mak lembu je susu hahaha.. mak lembu pun mak lembu lah nak.. kecik je tempat ni.. tapi oklah budak2 happy..

Actually Paris Van Java ada beberapa indoor playground tau.. lepas kita orang pergi bird park (kecik je) dan animal farm tu.. budak2 pun merengek nak masuk indoor playground.. so kita duduk lah lagi 1 jam tunggu budak2 main.. ada lagi satu playground juga.. macam role play gitu.. tapi tu kita tak masuk sebab mak bapak dia dah malas haha.. actually I lah panas takde aircon sangat.. then baby nak susu pun tak selesa lah.. macam tak nampak nursing room gitu.. so tak nak tunggu lama2 sangat :p

Kalau anak2 u dah independent dan you takde baby rasa boleh je dekat 1/2 hari atau satu hari spend kat sini..

Itu je tempat2 yang kita pergi.. kesian ek anak2 kita.. sorry lah mak bapak malas nak jalan jauh2 sebab trafik teruk nanti dalam kereta lama2 dengan baby mak boleh pengsan!

Mak cuma sedih je.. rambang mata tengok butik2 muslimah kat Bandung ni tapi badan kita masih post-pregnancy.. berat badan masih turn naik turun naik..  so.. simpanlah duit tu dulu.. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Makan-makan di Bandung

Masa ni holiday di Bandung time hujung tahun.. Ya Allah sungguh tak digalakkan ya.. macet nye .. sampai takde mood nak jalan2 jauh.. jadi kampung daun.. floating market semua jangan haraplah nak pergi.. kita orang jalan dalam kawasan bandar bandung sahaja.. the only place yang jauh sikit kita pergi cuma Tangkuban Perahu.. itupun keluar awal supaya tak jam.. ambil pun jalan lama bukan highway.. hari2 biasa.. dari hotel nak ke Paris Van Java pun makan masa nak dekat satu jam sebab macet punya pasal :( so siapa2 yang nak pergi Bandung untuk holiday tu.. suggest pergi off peak season lah.. baru boleh holiday dengan aman...

Kita orang dapat driver yang sangat baik dan prihatin.. jadi bila tanya2 pasal restaurant yang sedap2 di Bandung yang hipster2 yang dalam sangkar lah apalah tu.. dia jawab "diragukan ya status halal nye".. jadi kita orang pun dibawa ke restoran yang dia confirmkan halal je hahaha..
So.. kebanyakannya restoran makanan Indonesia lah, ada sekali tu husband request makanan minang.. tapi I tak amik gambar sebab makanan dia ok2 je.. lepas tu lauk semua dah siap ceduk.. dia hidang semua samada kita nak ke tak nak.. yang kita sentuh dia charge yang tak sentuh dia ambil balik.. so hubby kata tak panas and tak fresh.. tak best lah makan camtu.. 

Restoran yang kita pergi ni 4 tempat:

1) Karamba:

makan best bandung
Cuti-cuti Bandung - Karamba

makan makan bandung 2017
something macam otak2 ikan gitu.. sedap..

bandung holidays local food
Makan tengahari di Karamba - Bandung

I order lauk asem hubby mintak ayam bakar and udang mentega..

holiday di bandung
Makan-makan @ Karamba

Biasalah lauk untuk anak2 telur dadar, udang goreng tepung (yang ni best) dengan bergedel (yang ni tawar sikit.. macam setakat kentang je yang ada dalam bergedel tu.. 

2) Resto Sangkuriang

Restoran ni kita pergi dua kali.. sekali time dinner (tolong bawa mosquito repellent) lepas tu anak2 suka sangat dengan ayam masak mentega dia.. jadi esoknya lunch datang lagi..  gambar2 yang makan malam tu tak berapa menjadi sangat sebab gelap.. so ada gambar lunch je.. 

restorang bandung kids friendly
Resto Sangkuriang ada kawasan kecil untuk anak2 bermain so senang sikit nak makan gilir2

بندونغ مطاعم
Resto Sangkuriang - Ayam Mentega, Sup Ikan dan Udang Goreng Tepung
Ayam masak mentega was nice.. anak2 i suka, manis dan lemak.. sup ikan di sini sangat femes, tapi.. kita orang rasa biasa-biasa aje.. udang goreng tepung tu ok jugak.. crispy..

Makan tengahari @ Resto Sangkuriang - Bandung

Ikan bakar tu.. sizzling.. tawar sikit tapi bila makan dengan sos oklah .. tu kuah tu..tak ingat dah kuah apa haha.. macam lodeh agaknye.. 

3) Belacan

Hari yang ke berapa dah.. bosan nak makan makanan Indonesia lagi sebenarnya.. tapi tak banyak choice lah dengan hotel nye western pun menghampakan.. driver bawak kita gi lagi satu restoran nama dia "Belacan"..

ni fave restoran I k.. hahaha sedaaaappppp...dan dia ada bilik aircon so boleh lah escape dari lalat2 masa makan tu.. (tak lah aircon sangat - di Bandung ni sebab cuaca dia ada sejuk2 sikit.. dia orang tak on sangat aircon) 

Makan-makan di Bandung - restoran Belacan

Makan-makan Bandung - Pepes Ikan, Lodeh dan Iga.. 

Pepes Ikan dia .. bukan filet .. tapi masih ada tulang2.. jadi bila makan tu hati2 sikit.. tapi sedaaaap

lodeh dia tak ingat dah rasa camana..

Iga dia.. sizzling.. sedaaaap.. menjilat jari u makan!

Air dia.. biasa2 je...

4) Stone Cafe:

Last sekali, husband dah boring betul makan makanan Indonesia, mintak tolong driver hantar lah gi restoran western.. so dia bawak kitaorang gi Stone Cafe.. restoran ni atas bukit sikit.. tapi oklah tak jauh mana dari hotel kita.. 

pemandangan dia best.. sejuk..tapi aircon tak on.. lalat.. ada sikit2 tapi tak banyak macam some places.. 

cafe halal bandung
Pemandangan di Stone Cafe.. amaaaaan je ekkk.. 

Bercuti di Bandung - makan2 di Stone Cafe

Carbonara untuk anak no 2 - dia kata tak ok.. haha.. I makan soft shell crab with rice.. oklah kosong sikit tak berkuah.. anak no 1 order spaghetti.. spaghetti dia macam bolognese.. tapi ada rasa rempah ratus melayu lah.. kayu manis dan buah pelaga.. dan pedas sikit..  takut anak tak suka.. sekali dua2 makan yang spaghetti ni sampai habis

Stone Cafe @ Badung

Husband order ribs.. I rasa tu.. dia cakap biasa2 je.. makan kat Malaysia lagi sedap ðŸ˜‚ air dia pun ok-oklah..

Yang penting budak2 suka makan di situ they say second best restaurant in Bandung.. feveret dia orang.. Sangkuriang hahahaha..

Habis bercuti husband kata "lain kali tak payah datang lagi lah.. traffic teruk je. makan pun biasa2 je" hmm.. taaaaapi.. kita tak dapat pergi tempat jauh2 tu.. I guess tak suitable lah dengan anak kecik.. plus nak balik naik kapal terbang tu.. pengalaman yang I rasa tak best lah.. dah lah takde proper queue.. takde priority untuk parents yang bawa baby.. susah sikit lah.. 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Halal Italian Restaurant in Singapore - Seven7h Cucina @ Novena

Seven7h Cucina at Novena Regency

Saw a facebook share by a friend on fb about a halal Italian restaurant in Singapore called Seven7h Cucina and told hubby that we should check it out. We went there last December during Christmas as the two elder kiddos were on holiday with grandpa and grandma and we can pretend that we are a young couple with a baby :p 

First of all, the place was quite new Novena Regency? anyone familiar with it? hubby was like.. where is this place? where to park? where is the entrance? So.. yup.. keep your eyes peeled on the road so you won't miss the entrance to the car park. When we went there.. the place was still empty on the inside.. the sidewalk units were pretty much taken by eateries though.. 

Arriving there, there was a family having Christmas lunch together (assuming) and another small family out for a late lunch like us. My toddler was absolutely hungry and I thought our food might take some time so I ordered for him dessert first. Dessert selection on display wasn't much so I just ordered Panna Cotta. It was surprisingly nice... soft and creamy with the added sweetness of the fruit.. my then 1.5 yo licked the thing clean. 

Matcha Latte and Panna Cotta @ Seven7h Cucina Novena Regency

My Matcha Latte (was being adventurous) wasn't too bad but I am not a fan of anything matcha actually.

Husband ordered calamari and it was so soft and tender and paired very well with the sour cream sauce. Nice! After trying the calamari here.. others just don't cut it :p 

halal food novena singapore
Calamari @ Seven7h Cucina - Novena Regency

I ordered some kind of a fish dish but the server heard wrongly and what came was truffle fries instead. It was so-so for me as I am not a big fan of truffles. 

halal food singapore
Truffle Fries @ Seven7h Cucina - Novena Regency

Browsing through the menu.. I saw that there was a lot of pizza options but I didn't want to eat pizza for lunch you know... so I ordered Carbonara with poached egg just so I would know how it taste like in case we are going to bring my no 2 here.. 

The carbonara is cheese and egg.. no cream.. not too bad I guess, just that the poached egg is of course runny.. so I don't think I am comfortable with letting my 1.5 yo eat the carbonara and I think my no 2 will also not like the taste since he is used to creamy carbonara and not the authentic version hehe..

halal restaurants singapore
Carbonara @ Seven7h Cucina - a new halal Italian restaurant @ Novena Regency

Husband ordered steak.. and finished it before I could taste some (was busy running around with the 1.5 yo) he said it was nothing special.. hmm...

halal food singapore
Steak @ Seven7h Cucina - Novena Regency

We also ordered pumpkin soup.. it was quite hearty but the spices is also a bit heavy.. so my baby didn't like it.. but I kind of like it.. 

All in all.. I think its a nice place for couples (or maybe pizza aficionados) and maybe for families with kids who can eat pretty much anything.. but if you have fickle kids like mine who tend to stick to food they are accustomed to.. you might wanna give this place a miss.. we are most probably not coming back to this place unless we are nearby and hungry..

Seven7h Cucina is open daily from 11:00am - 4:00pm, 5:00pm - 10:30pm 
Tel : +65 6493 2134

Map of Seven7h Cucina :