
Friday, January 18, 2013

Pre-School English - Sight Words To Teach Your 4 Year Old

Ok, so now that my kid is coming to 5 years old, I am seriously freaking out at my tardiness in teaching him reading. Though his teacher at school says that he is reading the "Pam and Sam" book quite well, I still worry as the only thing that I have been doing is teaching him the three letter words and even then I am not very consistent with it. 

Our very small apartment is already overflowing with (more) toys (than), I scrapped the flash card idea and decided to go digital. Hmm.. took me some time to actually tie up everything together what with buying a decent recorder, trying to find a quiet time to record the voice over and learning to edit the recording with a software. But, I kind of like the end result, though it is still a bit amateur-ish. Regardless, I think the videos helped my kiddo and I hope you will benefit from it too.. 

These are 40 sight words to teach your 4 year olds (ok, so I am a bit behind track, but I hope to catch up soon)  and they are divided into 4 easily digested lists (that's 10 words per list since the kids attention span are very short). Each video has two parts, the first part where I read the words and the second part is where only the words flash and your child has to read them himself. The flash card video is set against an upbeat music background so that the kids (hopefully) won't dread learning the sight words too much :) 

Pre-School English - Sight Words List 1/4:

Pre-School English - Sight Words List 2/4: 

Pre-School English - Sight Words List 3/4: 

Pre-School English - Sight Words List 4/4: 

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