
Monday, March 4, 2013

The Pulai Desaru Beach Review

Last Chinese New Year Holiday (which by the way was still rainy season in Malaysia), the whole extended family from my husband's maternal side decided to gather (well, those that can make it anyways). Their chosen place? Pulai Spring Desaru. It wasn't really anything much but the chance to let the kids play with their second cousins and the parents to get a little bit closer rather than seeing each other only during Hari Raya visiting.

Our spacious room at Pulai Desaru Beach Resort

desaru johor
The TV is still not LCD though @ Pulai Desaru

It was fun for the kids, the hotel was furnished quite modern though you can see that the furniture are all "value for money" at least it didn't look dated and are still pleasing to the eyes. We have not much complains with regards to the accommodation except for maybe the toilet is a bit basic but still acceptable. 

desaru johor
The pantry and the closet area @ Pulai Desaru 

pulai desaru resort review
The toilet - basic but acceptably clean, there is another area for separate shower.

The facilities are also quite varied to entertain the kids, there's the kids room which is very cheerful, a playground (sadly it rained most of the time), volley ball by the beach ( beach is within walking distance from the hotel's pool) a few arcade games and snooker and the pool is big to accommodate both adults and kids. The fun fair by the beach at night was a bit boring though. Just a few stalls operating simple fun fair games like hit the bottle, some hoops and shooting games and what nots. 

desaru with kids
The cheery kids room @ Pulai Desaru Resort

the pulai desaru beach
Kids room @ Pulai Desaru

Our main gripe with the place? Food sucks big time. And for foodie like us.. sigh... it was like fasting for two days :) 

Had it not rained most of the time or had it not been Chinese New Year holidays, I would have loved to bring the kids to the Desaru Ostrich Farm, the fruit farm and take the fireflies boat ride. Had we not been in a group that has arranged for full board with the hotel, we would have loved to explore the surroundings for some seafood as well. 

the pulai desaru beach
The swimming pool @ Pulai Desaru

Oh well, it was a fun family reunion anyways and the kids bonded very well with each other and for that we are grateful to the hardworking organizers :)

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