
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dumex Dugro Milk Powder Malaysia

(This is a sponsored post – read on and tell me how I’m doing J )

growing up milk
Dumex Dugro Growing Up Milk for Kids 1-3 Years

dumex dugro nutri 5

I admit I am one of the Kiasu parents who worry incessantly about their kids’ development. I worry about my kids’ development intellectually, physically and socially.

Every time I step into a book store, I would load up on activity books for Maths, English and Malay. I would also browse early readers books to see which ones are suitable for my kids (Usborne Very First Reading  gets my vote) I also stock up on art supplies to do simple crafts over the weekend with my kids to bond with them and also encourage creativity so that they will not end up like their mom who has an under-developed right brain haha..  ( is great for ideas)

I am also on the lookout for swimming/taekwondo classes for my two kiddos to develop their gross motor skills but sadly most classes cater to 4 years old and above (my two sons are 5 and 3 – so maybe next year)

Sheesh…I even started reading parenting books (which I never thought I would) to cope with the enormous responsibility of bringing up my kids. I mean I know that Happy Parents = Happy Kids but sometimes your kids can get on your nerves so much that it takes all the restraint that you can muster  just to control your temper and not lose control.  I especially like the book “How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk” this book is truly enlightening. It’s amazing how the authors put logical things in perspective and how you go “yes, yes yes…but it’s so simple.. why didn’t  I think of that?”

dumex dugro
Formula Milk Brands - Dumex Dugro for growing up kids (Fruit & Veg Flavour)

One thing that I worry more than others is my kids’ diet. Try as I might, it is very difficult for me to change their eating habits. Persuading them to eat fruits and vegetables seems like nearly impossible. I have tried mashing, blending, camouflaging, I tried coaxing, scolding and even bribing, all to no avail.  The only vegetable my first son eats are tomatoes which have been diced and cooked in pasta sauce. That’s why I find Dumex Dugro Fruit and Vegetable formula milk intriguing. Dumex Dugro Fruit and Vegetable formula milk is packed with the extract of 13 different types of fruits and vegetables such as pear, apple, orange, strawberry, apricot, peach and spinach among others. Wow, that’s way more than what my kids will touch. It’s so powerful, it meets 75% of my kids’ daily nutrient needs.

Growing Up Milk - Dumex Dugro - Multi Grains 

Dumex Dugro formula milk is also available in Multi Grains with ingredients such as oats, wheat, corn and rice, providing my kids with carbohydrates and protein to keep them feeling full of energy throughout the day. Perfect for breakfast when I am rushing to send them to school J

Previously when I just got my first baby and was scouting around for a good formula milk, all that I was advised was to look out for DHA that is essential for the brain development. Nowadays formula milk are so advanced that Dumex Dugro Formula Milk (for instance) include things such as ALA, DHA, SA and Taurine, IcFOS – a dietary fibre from plants to maintain healthy intestinal environment and other nutrients like calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin to aid bone development, increase immunity and maintain kids’ vitality.

Formula milk now also comes in a variety of flavours to attract the little ones’ taste buds while maintaining nutritional values. Dumex Dugro Formula Milk comes in:

  • Original flavour with 0% sucrose and rich in Vitamin C to aid iron absorption,
  • Honey Date with 0% sucrose and rich in Vitamin B Complex that aids nervous system maintenance, formation of antibodies and building immunity.
  • Chocolate Strawberry with real strawberry extracts and 3% less sucrose than previous chocolate formulation. It is also rich in Vitamin A, C & E.

Choosing a formula milk for your kids is no easy matter since we would want the best for our kids. One thing I learnt the hard way is choosing a growing-up milk with high level of sucrose since milk formula with high level of corn syrup and sucrose (read sugar) definitely will not highlight this to the consumers. And once our kids are used to sweet tasting milk, they will refuse milk with low level of sucrose, so it’s best to start with 0% sucrose from small so that our kids sensitive taste buds won’t be compromised and we don’t have to deal with –God forbid- obesity issues in the future.

If you (like me) are concerned about supporting your kid’s growth in a more well-rounded way, you will find Dumex Dugro 5 Power Nutri’s assurance of nurturing multi-dimensional growth extremely appealing. With Dumex Dugro 5 Power Nutri’s focus on our child’s bone and brain development, maintaining a healthy digestive system, increasing their immunity and boosting their vitality and energy, there’s no reason not to upgrade to Dumex Dugro 5 Power Nutri! Thank you Dumex Dugro for providing us with a superior product to ensure our kids’ well-rounded growth!

growing up milk
Dumex Dugro 5 Development Priorities - Brain Development, Bone Development, Digestion, Immunity & Vitality

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