
Friday, December 6, 2013

Halal Japanese Restaurant (Teppanyaki & Sushi) Singapore: Yureka @ Jalan Masjid

halal food blog singapore
Halal Teppanyaki Singapore @Yureka , Jalan Masjid

Mom and dad went for a short holiday, so we three sisters decided to eat out, together of course with the husbands and kids. Youngest sis is still single, while my kids are 5 and 3.5yo and my second sis's kids are 1.8yo and 2 mo, so we were quite worried whether the kids can sit still while we enjoy our dinner. I called up the restaurant to make reservations and they said that they will reserve the VIP room for us. Hmm.. VIP room sounds sooo VIP :p It's actually a small room that fits about 12 pax around the teppanyaki area. Which works out quite well for the kids cos they thought they were watching a cooking demonstration and managed to sit still until the chef finished his job. 

Hubby ordered a teppanyaki set for 6 people but I am not a big fan of teppanyaki, I prefer sushi and tempura anything! So, I added on a few sushis, pregnant fish,  tempura prawn and tempura vegetables :)

edamame japanese green beans
Halal Japanese Restaurant in Singapore : Yureka @ Jalan Masjid

We were given green beans as appetizer, youngest sis mentioned that its called Edamame and taught us to squeeze the ends of the beans so that the beans will pop out. I thought that it will taste like snow peas (which I don't really favor) but turns out its quite crunchy and yummy though a tad salty.

singapore halal restaurants
Halal Restaurants in Singapore: Yureka @ Jalan Masjid

makan-makan singapura
Halal Teppanyaki Singapore: Yureka @ Jalan Masjid

The teppanyaki set comes with plain rice / fried rice, tofu, miso soup, green tea  and chicken / meat / squids / prawns depending on the set meal that you chose. I didn't taste any of the teppanyaki since I was busy eating the tempuras and sushi but hubby said the teppanyaki was quite nice while second sis commented that the teppanyaki dishes are a bit salty but overall not bad .  

halal food singapore
The forgettable siakap tiga rasa @ Yureka, Jalan Masjid

The teppanyaki set also comes with seabass cooked either sweet and sour style or sweet, sour and spicy, we choose the latter, but the fish doesn't go with the set and it doesn't taste like the normal Thai sweet, sour and spicy either. 

halal food singapore
Tempura prawns, Shishamo and tempura vegetables @ Yureka, Jalan Masjid - Yummy!

I like the batter for the tempura prawns, crispy and tasty but I don't quite find the prawns to be very fresh. It is served with chili sauce but no mayo :( 

Shishamo (pregnant fish) is also very nice but I very much like Sedap Corner's version better hehe.. 

Tempura vegetables got my thumbs up! Best savored while hot! Batter is delicious and not bland like some restaurants :) 

halal japanese restaurant food blog singapore
Halal Sushi @ Yureka, Jalan Masjid

Frankly speaking, I don't eat sushi with raw toppings so I didn't taste any of the sushis on the far left of the picture. I only ate the first two plates of sushi. I was at first a bit taken aback by the pink color since I am used to sushi being white, but other than that, the sushi tasted very nice, I can't really remember what I ordered, I only remember ordering something with fish roe (the orange fish eggs) cos I like fish roe and any sushi with (ebi) prawns / avocado. My second sister said that the sushis are nicer than Ramen Ten. I have not been to Ramen Ten for quite some time and Ramen Ten holds a special place in my heart (and tummy hehe) so at the moment I shall not compare between the two BUT I will say that I like this place better than Hey Sushi since I am not into raw food :) 

Those who frequent Jalan Masjid for its numerous halal eateries know that parking here is notorious and mostly parallel, but there is a multi storey car park at Kembangan Plaza, 18 Jalan Masjid just 2-3 mins away from Yureka and you might consider parking there if parallel parking is not your favorite :)

After coming back from Yureka, I got curious and googled "Yureka Teppanyaki Singapore Reviews" reviews range from raving about the food to complaining about seafood freshness and tardy service. I guess for our part, we have no complaints with regards to service except that the waitress seems eager to push for more orders even when it is obvious that we won't be able to finish up all the food. Food was also nice but don't expect a culinary adventure. Someone mentioned that if you don't require eating halal japanese food, this place can be given a miss.

Yureka Teppanyaki is at:

10 Jalan Masjid,
Singapore 418930

Tel : +6568424317

Map of Yureka Teppanyaki: 

View Larger Map

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful review! If you're also interested in finding out about a list of Japanese restaurants in Singapore, take a look at this article. List of Japanese restaurants
