Friday, December 29, 2017

Halal Chinese Noodles @ Melawati Mall - Mee Tarik Warisan Asli

The first time I tried Mee Tarik Warisan Asli was about 2 years back when we chanced upon a branch at Kota Damansara - The Strand area (yes.. we eat around that area a lot ğŸ˜„) Le husband is a chinese noodle fan (handmade noodles only) and when he saw the branch, he insisted on eating there. Moi wasn't impressed. I don't rreally like to eat at these authentic Chinese Muslim restaurants  (Hui Cuisines)  because  they charge quite a lot for a dish and give you huuuuge portion that is for sharing that you end up either ordering a variety of dishes which can then feed an army OR eating one or two dishes that you have to share. Ok, so back to Mee Tarik @ The Strand - we ate once, I wasn't impressed cos it didn't suit my then very small kids palate. We found the noodles to be too spicy and we never set foot there again.

And then.. one day, my husband was being super nice to me and said he will bring me to Melawati Mall as I wanted to check out Rina Salleh's boutique there and delightfully attended to the kids while I shopped. As a gesture of appreciation, I said we can eat at Mee Tarik (don't judge me okaaaaay). 

The branch at Melawati Mall was spacious and ordering was a breeze. I don't know if they had revamped their menu since my last visit or I wasn't aware of all the dishes offered back then. But, there were fried rice options and egg drop soup for my kiddo that can't stand the heat. So, all was good. 

Husband ordered :

Mee Tarik Warisan @ Melawati Mall
Bao Bao Tea (in the backgroudn) and also I think this dish is wet noodle with lamb. Oh My God, this dish is super delicious! The noodle was soo smooth although a bit spicy. The lamb goes very well with the noodle. I was trying this while my husband went to pray (cos our order did not arrive yet) and I had to restraint myself from polishing off half of the bowl 

Halal Chinese Noodles @ Melawati Mall - KL

I ordered this mainly for my no 1, cos the description in the menu states something like fried noodle but this dish was a bit overwhelming for us. Maybe too much black pepper? and the texture of the noodle is different from the first dish. Both of my sons preferred the first dish over this.

Toothpick Lamb @ Mee Traik Warisan - Melawati Mall

This is a snack dish - toothpick lamb. The serving is big really, and its too spicy for me and the kids. We let Le Husband eat it by himself.

Egg drop soup @ Mee Traik Warisan - Melawati Mall
This soup was ordered for my 2 yo because I didn't know Le Husband ordered Dumpling Soup as well (not in picture) ah well, all for the best because he ate it straight from the humongous bowl even though he was sick and they gave serving bowls and he left me salivating over the dumplings which looked so silky - sigh)

This egg drop soup was also heart-warmingly delicious, if I wasn't too full and the bowl wasn't too huge, I could have slurped it to the last drop>

Fried rice @ Mee Tarik Warisan - Melawati Mall

So, much to my surprise, they have fried rice @ Mee Tarik! haha my kiddo ate a lot of it. So, I am a satisfied mum.

I was not a fan then, but am definitely a fan now, if only because of the lamb noodle dish and the dumpling soup! Will definitely come again.

Mee Tarik Warisan Asli have various locations in Malaysia.

Check it out from their facebook page here.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Restoran Sunda - Rumah Makan Cibiuk @ Kota Damansara

Rumah Makan Cibiuk @ Kota Damansara

Projek menggemukkan badan masih berlangsung hahaha.. nampak gaya nak kurus akan makan masa lama sikit ni..apa tidaknya.. Rumah Makan Cibiuk dah ada cawangan di Dataran Sunway okaaay. sederet dengan Mohd Chan Restaurant..kita pun apa lagi! Jom terjah ğŸ˜‹ğŸ˜‹ğŸ˜‹

Kita orang sebelum ni pernah pergi Rumah Makan Cibiuk yang dekat Wangsa Maju tu beberapa kali, sedap tapi tak sempat2 nak tulis entri, tahu2 dah lama nah haha, jadi since yang cawangan Kota Damansara ni baru buka dan kita pun baru juga lah terjah.. jadi blog ler cepat2 sebelum basi.

makan best dataran sunway
Rumah Makan Cibiuk @ Kota Damansara

Rumah Makan Cibiuk @ Kota Damansara konsep dia very modern, selesa sangat, tapi kita duduk di meja panjang sebelah pintu masuk.. lampu dia sangat panas ğŸ˜… Yang best makan di sini adalah sambal nye yang beraneka, dia letak kat meja tepi je, ambil lah sambal apa yang u nak, tapi haritu I tak ambil sambal sebab dah order bawal masak pedas.. 

Milo Ais dan Alpukat @ Rumah Makan Cibiuk

Kalau makan di restoran Indonesia, memang tak pas kalau tak minum alpukat kan? Cuma alpukat ni nasib lah, kalau buahnya ranum sedap jusnya, kalau tak memang kelat jadinya. Hari tu jus alpukat memang sedap, manis buah dan lemak ğŸ˜‹

Ayam Bakar @ Rumah Makan Cibiuk - Kota Damansara

Okaaaay, lagi satu hidangan wajib kalau makan makanan Sunda adalah.. ayam bakar yup yup.. manis dan lembut.. sedaaaap.
makan makan petaling jaya
Cumi Bakar @ Rumah Makan Cibiuk - Kota Damansar

Kalau tak suka ayam.. nah cubalah cumi pula.. yang ni sedap dimakan masa hangat2.. lembut dan manis, bila sudah dingin cuminya macam kenyal sedikit.

makan best the strand
Sup Tulang @ Rumah Makan Cibiuk - Kota Damansara

Sup tulang ni kita order untuk anak I yang kecil mula2 nampak kuah macam putih jernih dan terasa sedikit hambar, rupa2nya kena kacau betul2 bumbunya di bawah lah.. bila nak habis sup baru terasa segalanya ğŸ˜¬

jjcm kota damansara
Udang Goreng Crispy @ Rumah Makan Cibiuk - Kota Damansara

Yang ni udang goreng crispy untuk suami dan anak no 1. My anak no 1 tu sebenarnya tak makan sangat udang, tapi yang ni boleh pulak dia makan kasi habis haha.. yang ni pun sama macam sotong tadi, bila dingin dah tak berapa sedap.

cibiuk malaysia kuala lumpur
Bawal masak pedas @ Rumah Makan Cibiuk - Kota Damansara
Yang ni untuk I, sebab dah muak makan ayam, tapi nak order tilapia teringat pulak cerita macam2 yang tak best pasal tilapia yang diternak, so I order bawal saja lah.. sambalnye pedas dan kick, ikan dia sangat rangup di luar dan lembut di dalam, jenuh nak perabih sambal, lupa lah pulak sebelah bawah ikan takde sambal ğŸ˜‚

Nasi goreng untuk si kecil @ Rumah Makan Cibiuk - Kota Damansara

Untuk anak I yang no 2 dan 3, mereka makan nasi goreng.. Ya Allah sedap betul nasi goreng ni, rasa butter dan kicap, makan dah dingin pun masih sedap haha.. tu satay dalam gambar ada satu je, tapi sebenarnya ada dua. Kalau part satay ni, I tak suka versi Indonesia :) I suka versi Malaysia haha.

Ya Allah, kenyang sangat haritu.. balik terus tidur hahaha.. tak boleh datang selalu ni.. nanti tahu2 je dah naik 5 kg ğŸ˜†ğŸ˜†ğŸ˜†

Rumah Makan Cibiuk dibuka setiap hari dari 11 pagi - 11 malam.
9, Jalan PJU 5/12, Dataran Sunway, 47810 PJ, Selangor
No Telefon: 03-6145 0456