
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Toy Ride Ons ; A Fun Play for a Rainy Day

It's been pouring these last few days and the kids have not been going to their favorite playground for sometime. All that unspent energy is bound to make us tired. While mikail is just contented with playing with his train and tracks and watching dvds.. umair heads for the door practically every chance he has.. and just goes.. "nak.. nak.." which means he wants to go out.. 

So, after much deliberation, we headed for the toy store to buy some kiddy rides for them to play at home. I am not sure what it's called though. The first time I saw it was at Toys R Us and my husband said it's called a "Flying Turtle". Had quite some fun trying it out at Toys R Us, though the people there gave me some weird stares :p well, it is meant to withstand up to 80kg of load, so what's the problem everyone? 

Indoor fun with the flying turtle

We bought two so that Umair won't be screaming his head off for his turn. Sadly, he still does scream because the wheels would sometimes hit his toes (you are supposed to put your feet on the pedal but Umair is too small to understand that, he just happily move it with his feet on the ground) 

I'm going to catch you Abang!

We cleared the carpet and push aside the dining table and the kids couldn't stop playing, Mikail kept saying "Mommy, I am racing on the road", "This is the road, mommy!" "Adik, are you ready?" and Adik will reply "Ready!" It's so amusing hearing them talk. 

Push everything to the side Mommy!

We also had fun racing as a family haha.. Daddy rides with Mikail and Mummy with Umair.. it was very entertaining. All in all, quite a good fun, well at least for the weekend, I don't think I like having the dining table permanently pushed against the wall.. My house looks like I'm having a kenduri or is in the midst of being mopped. 

The flying turtle is about SGD50.00 (around there I can't remember clearly) at Toys R Us, we bought ours at Windsurfer at Bangsar Shopping Center at RM 129 each. Can't seem to find it at Toys R Us Malaysia anymore, what they have is a Disney version and cost RM200++ (which for the life of me, I will not buy haha)

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