
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Singapore Passport Number and Passport Photo Dimension

 In case you have never renewed your Singapore passport before and are wondering whether your Singapore passport number (which is now different from your IC no) will change, the answer is yes it will. 

It's kind of a hassle though remembering the new passport number and more so f you are overseas on a visa and in the midst of applying for something using your passport (a driving license in my instance). 

I asked the officer at the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority Singapore the reason why it is so when I collected my passport early this month and all she said was "security reason". Oh well, what can I say then?

If, you are renewing your passport online and am wondering what is the Singapore passport photo size requirement, below are the details as taken from the Application For Passport On-line Electronic System (APPLES): 

 - JPEG format
 - File size around 150kb
 - Preferred Dimension of 400 (width) by 514 (height) in pixels. 

If you are submitting by hand or post :

 - Picture should be 3.5 by 4.5cm 
 - size of your face from top to chin should be between 2.5 - 3.5 cm and be in the center  of the photo. 
 - top of your shoulder should be visible in the photo
 - background should be white

You may also be interested in "Renewing My Singapore Passport" here

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