
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Resepi Ayam Mastika / Spicy Chicken Gravy Asian Style

Asian Cooking : Spicy Chicken Gravy

(Sila skrol ke bawah untuk Bahasa Melayu)

I was cleaning up the drawers that day and came across this recipe copied out from one of my mom's many cooking magazines. Since I had just bought green chilies the day before, I decided to give this recipe a try. It turned out to be similar to the malay dish "Ayam Masak Merah" though this dish uses green chilies and lots of tomatoes instead. I kind of like this chicken dish, so I am going to keep this recipe. 

Ingredients for Spicy Chicken Gravy:

1 large onion
10 green chilies - deseed-ed
6 small tomatoes
3/4 inch young ginger
(blend all of the above)

4 parts chicken
4 tbs vegetable oil
100 gm pureed tomato
1 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp ground fennel seed 
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground white pepper
100 ml evaporated milk 

1 large potato - sliced and fried

How to cook Spicy Chicken Gravy:

1. Heat up the oil and saute the blended ingredients.

2. Add in the tomato puree and the other spices.

3. Add in the chicken and water if its too dry. Cover and let it simmer till chicken is tender.

4. Add in the evaporated milk and salt.

5. Lastly, add in the fried potatoes.

Malay Version:

Hari tu, tengah mengemas laci-laci di dapur tu, terjumpa pulak buku nota resepi lama i, belek punyak belek nampak resepi Ayam Mastika ni macam best. Resepi dari salah satu majalah masakan mak i yang memang cukup banyak.  Lagipun, hari sebelumnya, I baru beli cili hjau, jadi bolehlah cuba resepi ni. Rasanya ada macam Ayam Masak Merah, cuma resepi ni guna cili hijau dan tomato. Not bad, so, of course I nak simpan resepi ni :) 

Resepi Ayam Mastika:

1 bawang besar
10 tangkai cili hijau - buang bji
6 biji tomato kecil
3/4 inci halia muda
(kisar semua)

4 bahagian ayam
4 sdm minyak masak
100 gm tomato puree
1 sdt serbuk ketumbar
1/2 sdt serbuk jintan manis
1/2 sdt serbuk jintan putih
1 sdt serbuk lada putih
100 ml susu cair

1 kentang besar - dihiris dan digoreng 

Cara-cara memasak Ayam Mastika:

1. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan-bahan kisar.

2. Masukkan tomato puree dan serbuk-serbuk yang lain.

3. Masukkan ayam dan air jika kuah terlalu kering. Tutup periuk dan biarkan renih hingga ayam empuk.

4. Masukkan susu cair dan garam.

5. Akhir sekali, masukkan kentang goreng.

Selamat Mencuba!

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