Sunday, November 24, 2013

Holiday Programme for Kids December 2013 - Mika and Umair bake raisin bread @ KAAMP- Rochester Mall

holiday programmes december 2013 singapore
Waiting for their bread making workshop to start @ KAAMP - Rochester Mall

Since we are going to be in Singapore for the last two weeks of November, I thought I should take advantage of the various holiday programmes that the numerous centres in Singapore offer. Unfortunately, most of the holiday camps are on the pricey side, ranging around $350 for 3-4 (half days) camp. Signing up two kids can cost about $700 which is waaay more than what I would like to spend on a holiday programme. My preference would be for a one off art / music and dance / cooking class that is less than $100. 

While googling about for December 2013 holiday programmes for kids in Singapore, I chanced upon Kent Ridge Education Hub's offer on groupon for a cupcake decorating class that cost about $35 for a 2-hour workshop, but the minimum age is 4 years old and my second son is 3.5 years old, so I called up the centre to ask if they can still take in my 3.5yo. In my excitement, I forgot to check the date of the groupon and was informed that the offer has expired. But, the lady on the line also added that they can take my 3.5 yo as he is quite independent (based on my input) and we can register instead for their on-going Junior Chef Shake and Bake Workshop on Saturday or Sunday as one-time participants for $42.80 per child. And I said "Great!" 

Rochester Mall was a bit far off from my mom's place but we managed to get there in time today @ 10.30 am. Level 3 of Rochester Mall is predominantly tenanted by learning / enrichment centres like Cristofori, My Gym, Buttercup Montessori, Z Fencing, Kent Ridge Tutors, Abrakadoodle and a Mandarin Centre. 

Kent Ridge Education Hub was easy to find, just turn right when you get out of the elevator and go up the ramp, Kent Ridge Education Hub is just on the right with the words "KAAMP" prominently displayed. 
kids holiday programme singapore december 2013baking class for kids december holidays singapore 2013

When we were there, there was only one other boy that came for the class and I was told that today's schedule is Raisin Bread and not cupcake decorating. I wasn't really bothered since I just want the kids to do something. The instructor was young and I could see that my 3.5 yo was taking a lot of her time and attention instead of being independent as I attested to :p (was starting to feel a wee bit guilty) But, I assuaged my guilt with the fact that at least there was only one other boy other than my two boys in the class so it's not too bad. But, yes, in retrospect now I know that my 3.5 yo is not yet ready for a cooking class hehe.. 
Showing off their bread before enjoying them hot :) 

My kids really enjoyed pouring the flour and mixing all the ingredients, kneading the dough, playing with flour with their hands and watching the dough puffed up in the oven. They were laughing and having a good time. After their bread is ready, they are allowed to bring it back home in their tupperware (brought from home). They were so excited that they ate the bread at a sitting area @ Rochester Mall itself. Mummy couldn't resist trying out some of it and yummy! the bread was delish! Of course, my 3.5yo didn't knead his dough very well so his didn't turn out to be so fluffy but it was nice all the same! I couldn't believe it and I thought to myself "I should keep this recipe for my own reference" then upon reading the recipe, I realized that the instructor had prepared the dough earlier since it needs to be left to rise for about 1 hour or 2 :p nonetheless it was a great time spent for my two kids and they were very happy about it :) 

Here are a few of their brochures if you are keen on their upcoming programmes for kids this December 2013 school holidays (or add KAAMP Singapore on fb to get more info on their activities):

(click on the picture to see clearer)

classes for kids december 2013 school holidays

little chefs holiday programes for kids

kids events singapore 2013 december

Walking about the 3rd level of Rochester Mall, I saw Abrakadoodle and a poster of their holiday camp called "Yummy Art Camp" it's a 3 or 4 days art programme 9.30am-12.30am for 3-4 years old, 5-8 years old and 9-12 years old. I was sooo tempted to register my kids but the price of the camp is about $342 per child  before a 5 or 10% discount if I register two kids. I was really keen but thinking back, the money could be put to a better use so I decided not to. I tried to find the poster on their website but couldn't seem to find it. so, here is a picture of their brochure (crumpled by me *sorry*) 

december 2013 holiday programme for kids singapore

kids event december 2013 school holidays singapore

I also saw a Holiday Program by My Gym for 3-8 years old @ $50 for non-members (Winter Wonderland OR Wonders of Nature; refer to brochure for dates) and an outdoor camp on 20th Dec 2013  @ $110 (non-members) for 4-10 years old. Now, this price is easier on the wallet but sadly, we will not be in Singapore by then :( 

december 2013 school holidays kids programs

school holidays camps december 2013

activities for kids december 2013 school holidays

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