My Dan Dan Noodle Inspired Dish |
(Untuk Bahasa Melayu Sila Skrol Ke Bawah)
Was browsing through Jamie Oliver's 30 minutes meal for dinner ideas when I came across Dan Dan Noodles recipe, seems very simple so I decided to do another google check on it. Found one entry on cookingchannel.com by Ching He Huang. I decided to combine a bit of both and a few touches of my own to come up with a noodle dish that suits my malay palate haha.. Hubby seemed to like it and I am keeping the recipe as per usual for my reference. Pardon me for my long-ish way of cooking, feel free to add your own shortcuts.
Dan Dan Noodle Inspired Ingredients:
200gm beef meat with bones - to use in the broth
300gm stir fry beef slices - to use as topping
1 medium sized onion - sliced
7 cloves of garlic - pulverized
2 inch grated ginger
1 1/2 tsp five spice powder
3 tbsp light soya sauce
1tbsp black vinegar
pinch of black pepper
pinch of white pepper
2 tbsp dark doya sauce
4 tbsp vegetable oil
1 cube of beef stock
some spinach
some carrots
1 tbsp minced spring onion
1 tbsp minced chinese parsley
water as needed
Noodle of your choice - I used linguine - seems to pair of well with broth.
How To Make The Broth and Beef Topping:
1. In a bowl, mix onion, garlic, ginger, five spice powder, light soya sauce, black vinegar, black pepper and white pepper and salt with all of the beef and marinate for 30 minutes at least.
2. To make the beef topping, separate the beef slices from the broth beef together with some of the marinade and add in 2 tbsp of dark soya sauce to the beef slices.
3. Heat up a wok with 2 tbsp of vegetable oil and stir fry the beef slices till tender, add in some water if mixture is too dry.
4. To make the broth, heat up a saucepan, add in 2 tbsp of vegetable oil, stir in the balance of the marinade with the balance beef for about 5-7 minutes and then add in 4 bowls of water or more to cover the beef and let it simmer for 1 hour or so (add more water as needed). Once the beef is tender, add in the stock cube, carrots, spinach and spring onion and chinese parsley. Turn off heat.
Chillies In Oil |
Chillies in Oil Recipe:
4 red chillies - deseeded and sliced
3 cloves of garlic - crushed
4 tbsp sesame oil
4tbsp light soya sauce
1tbsp olive oil
How To Make Chillies in Oil:
1. Heat up the pan, add in the olive oil, sesame oil and light soya sauce.
2. Add in the chillies and garlic until the oil turns slightly reddish and the chillies a darker shade of red.
3. Store in airtight container.
To Serve Dan Dan Noodles:
Put your favorite noodle in a bowl, ladle up the broth, top with beef toppings and chillies in oil.
Malay Version:
Resepi Dan Dan Noodle Simple ku :) |
Insprirasi Resepi Dan Dan Noodle ini berasal daripada buku masak Jamie Oliver's 30 minutes meal masa dok belek-belek cari idea nak masak apa untuk makan malam anak-anak. Nampak simple sangat, jadi I pun google Dan Dan Noodle Recipe untuk kepastian dan terjumpa resepi lain di cookingchannel.com oleh Ching He Huang. Resepi I ni kira kombinasi 2 resepi dengan sedikit tokok tambah dan pandai memandai dari I. Encik Suami kata sedap, jadi kita simpan buat rujukan. Maaf lah cara masak I yang meleret sila ambil jalan pintas sendiri ye!
Resepi Dan Dan Noodle :
200gm daging lembu - bahagian rusuk untuk sup
300gm daging lembu goreng - untuk topping
1 bawang besar - dihiris
7 ulas bawang putih - ditumbuk
2 inci halia - diparut
1 1/2 sdt rempah five spice
3 sdm kicap cair
1 sdm cuka hitam
sedikit lada hitam
sedikit lada putih
2 sdm kicap manis
4 sdm minyak sayuran
1 kiub stok lembu
lobak merah
1 sdm daun bawang - dicincang
1 sdm daun sup - dicincang
Mee pilihan anda - saya gunakan linguine
Cara membuat sup dan topping:
1. Dalam mangkuk, masukkan bawang, bawang putih, halia, five spice, kicap cair, cuka hitam, lada hitam, lada putih, garam dan semua daging dan gaul rata. Perap selama 30 minit atau lebih.
2. Untuk membuat topping, ketepikan bahagian daging goreng yang telah diperap dengan bumbunya, tambahkan 2 sdm kicap manis.
3. Panaskan 2 sdm minyak sayuran dan goreng daging hingga empuk. Tambahkan air jika terlalu kering.
4. Untuk membuat sup, panaskan kuali, masukkan 2 sdm minyak sayuran, tumis daging selama 5-7 minit, tambahkan 4 mangkuk air atau lebih hingga paras daging dan biarkan didih hingga 1 jam (tambahkan air jika perlu). Apabila daging telah empuk, masukkan 1 kiub pati lembu, lobak merah, sawi, daun sup dan daun bawang. Matikan api.
Resepi Cili Dalam Minyak:
4 lada merah - dibuang biji dan dihiris
3 ulas bawang putih - ditumbuk dengan belakang pisau
4 sdm miyak bijan
4 sdm kicap cair
1 sdm minyak zaitun
Cara menyediakan cili dalam minyak:
1. Panaskan kuali, masukkan minyak zaitun, miyak bijan dan kicap cair.
2. Tambahkan cili dan bawang putih hingga minyak bertukar menjadi kemerahan dan cili menjadi sedikit gelap. Matikan api.
3. Simpan dalam bekas kedap udara.
Untuk Menghidangkan Dan Dan Noodle:
Letakkan jenis mee kegemaran anda di dalam mangkuk, tambahkan sup, letakkan topping di atas mee, taburkan cili dan sedia!