Monday, June 24, 2013

Resepi Labu Masak Lemak @ Malay Recipe : Pumpkin in Coconut Gravy

malay cuisine recipes
Malay Recipe: Pumpkin in Coconut Gravy

(Untuk Bahasa Melayu, sila skrol ke bawah)

This is another old-timers' favorite dish "Labu Masak Lemak" roughly transalated as pumpkin in coconut gravy. Sometimes people will add some green vegetables in such as "turi", "pucuk ubi" "cekur manis" but my mother-in-law seems to like it with just pumpkin. This dish is best eaten with white steamed rice with another side dish of fried fish with chili. Yummy!

Ingredients for Pumpkin in Coconut Gravy:

1. 1 clove garlic
2. 1 small red onion
3. 1 tsp black pepper powder
4. 1 tsp turmeric powder
5. a bit of belacan (about half inch or slightly less) (belacan is shrimp paste)
6. 1 tbsp dried shrimps (wash and soak for 3-5 minutes in water)
7. 1 tbsp dried anchovies(wash and soak for 3-5 minutes in water)
8. 1/2 pumpkin - cut in cubes
9. 1/2 turmeric leaf
10. some coconut milk (my MIL took about 2 handful of grated coconut, add in some warm water and blend it, then she took out a sieve and sieve the milk from the grated coconut, should also squeeze it to get more milk out).
11. Salt to taste

How to cook the Pumpkin in Coconut Gravy:

1. Blend the garlic, onion, belacan, dried shrimps and dried anchovies.
2. Heat up the pot and add in the pumpkin, blended ingredients, black pepper powder and turmeric powder and just a bit of water (maybe half a bowl) and let the pot boil.
3. Add in the coconut milk, turmeric leaf and salt and turn off heat when the pot has boiled. 

It's that simple :)

resepi lemak
Resepi Labu Masak Lemak Ibu Mertuaku :)

Malay Version:

Resepi Labu Masak Lemak:

Labu masak lemak adalah lagi satu hidangan yang amat diminati golongan senior, ada sesetengah orang yang masak lemak labu dengan "turi", "pucuk ubi" atau "cekur manis" tapi ibu mertuaku lebih suka lauk ini dengn labu sahaja. Lauk labu masak lemak ni memang sedap dimakan dengan nasi putih dan ikan goreng sambal cili. Waaahh.. sungguh shiok!

Bahan-bahan untuk labu masak lemak:

1. 1 bawang putih
2. 1 bji bawang besar (yang kecik je)
3. 1 sdt serbuk lada hitam
4. 1 sdt serbuk kunyit
5. sedikit belacan (dalam 1/2 inci)
6. 1 sdm udang kering (cuci dan rendam 3-5 minit di dalam air)
7. 1 sdm ikan bilis(cuci dan rendam 3-5 minit di dalam air)
8. 1/2 labu dipotong dadu.
9. 1/2 daun kunyit
10. sedikit santan (Ibu mertuaku mengambil dalam 2 genggam kelapa parut, dicampur sedikit air suam, kisarkan, kemudian dia ambil penapis dan tapis santan dari kelapa parut tu, sambil memerah kelapa parut tadi untuk mengeluarkan lebih santan) 
11. garam ikut citarasa

Cara-cara memasak labu masak lemak:

1. Kisar bawang putih, bawang besar, belacan, udang kering dan ikan bilis.
2. Panaskan periuk dan masukkan labu, bahan kisar, serbuk lada hitam, serbuk kunyit dan sedikit air (dalam 1/2 mangkuk) biarkan didih.
3. Tambahkan santan, daun kunyit dan garam. Matikan api apabila telah mendidih.

Sungguh simple :)

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