Friday, February 3, 2012

Stir Fried Beef Recipe / Daging Goreng Black Pepper

This is a simple Asian cooking recipe I picked up from my husband's aunt. The elderly always seem to cook differently from us and their cooking always taste so nice. This beef dish is very light in taste, but I still like it very much. Though preparation is a bit tedious (for me as I like to cook fast and easy dishes most of the time)

I don't really know what to call this dish as it's not what you would expect from a black pepper beef recipe so, I will just call this dish stir fried black pepper beef. Great with simple steamed rice, omelette and mixed vegetables. A simple Asian fare. 

Stir Fried Black Pepper Beef recipe as such:


Prepare first: 
1 medium onion - sliced thinly and sauteed till crispy; set aside
2 medium sized potatoes - sliced and fried beforehand; set aside
300 gm sliced beef - boiled till tender; set aside (keep the beef stock)

Other ingredients: 

2 tbsp ghee / butter
3 cloves garlic - chopped
1 inch young ginger - bruised
1 ripe tomato - diced
dash of black pepper
dash of salt

Cooking Instructions:
1. Heat up the pan and melt the ghee, stir in the garlic and young ginger.
2. Add in the beef and some of the beef stock ladle by ladle just so that the dish won't dry up. 
3. Add in the tomatoes and potatoes. Let it simmer. 
4. Add in the sauteed onions. Add more stock if necessary. 
5. Add in salt and pepper to taste. 

Malay Version:

Resepi Daging Black Pepper


Siapkan terlebih dahulu:
1 bawang besar - dihiris dan digoreng garing ; ketepikan
2 kentang - dihiris dan digoreng; ketepikan
300 gm daging lembu, dihiris dan direbus; ketepikan dan simpan air rebusan tersebut.

Bahan-bahan lain:
2 sdm minyak sapi
3 bawang putih - didadu
1 inchi halia muda - ditumbuk
1 biji tomato segar - didadu
sedikit serbuk lada hitam
sedikit garam

Cara-cara memasak daging black pepper:

1. Tumis bawang putih dan halia dengan minyak sapi hingga naik aromanya.
2. Masukkan daging yang telah direbus dengan sedikit air rebusan supaya tidak kering / hangus.
3. Masukkan tomato dan kentang dan biarkan renih. 
4. Masukkan bawang goreng. Tambahkan sedikit air rebusan jika perlu. 
5. Tambahkan sedikit serbuk lada hitam dan garam mengikut citarasa.

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Thai Beef Stir Fry

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