My Rosemary and Thyme Chicken Salad with Potatoes |
Hmm.. this was our fourth salad dinner, I have to admit that by far this is the most calorie laden salad I prepared this week and I felt so guilty cos it tasted so delicious. Hubby said I should cut down on the potatoes, chicken and wrap. Sigh, I guess he is right, but I'm keeping this recipe anyways :p
I call this "Rosemary & Thyme Chicken With Potatoes Salad" ingredients are as such (Serves 2) :
200gm chicken fillet
1 tbsp dried thyme
1 tbsp dried rosemary
1 tsp garlic salt
1 small shallot - sliced
2 tbsp olive oil
2 small potatoes
pinch of salt
1 ripe tomato
1bunch baby asparagus
1 packet Green Salanova
How to make the Rosemary & Thyme Chicken With Potatoes Salad:
1. Mix the thyme, rosemary, garlic salt and shallot with the chicken. Leave for about 10 minutes.
2. Cut the potatoes into small quarters and boil until 70% cooked. Place on a plate, drizzle with olive oil and salt.
3. Cut the baby asparagus into shorter pieces and blanch it in boiling water with a pinch of salt. Drain and put away.
4. Heat up a non-stick saucepan, add in the chicken, tomatoes and potatoes. Make sure to turn the potatoes so that each side gets to brown. Put away the potatoes and leave the tomatoes and chicken till the chicken is cooked.
5. Arrange the Salanova, potatoes, chicken, tomatoes and asparagus on a plate and drizzle with the dressing.
Salad Dressing Recipe:
60ml plain yoghurt
60ml sour cream
2 cloves garlic - finely minced
1 tbsp spring onion - finely minced
1 tbsp parsley - finely minced
1 tsp ground coriander
1/2tsp black pepper
1 tbsp honey
How to make the salad dressing?
Just mix everything together and whisk till smooth.
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Versi Bahasa Melayu
Hmm.. ini adalah salad ke-empat kami untuk makan malam minggu ini. Terus terang ini adalah salad yang terberat kalorinya untuk minggu ini dan saya rasa sungguh bersalah sebab saladnya rasa begitu sedap. Hubby komen supaya kurangkan kentang, ayam dan wrap..hmm.. memang betul tu..tapi..nak jugak simpan resepi ni...
Saya namakan resepi salad ini "Salad Ayam Rosemary, Thyme dan Kentang" bahan-bahan seperti berikut (untuk 2 orang):
200gm isi ayam
1 sdt serbuk thyme
1 sdm serbuk rosemary
1 sdt garlic salt
1 biji bawang kecik - dihiris
2 sdm minyak zaitun
2 biji kentang kecil
secubit garam
1 biji tomato
1ikat baby asparagus
1 peket Green Salanova
Cara-cara membuat Salad Ayam Rosemary, Thyme dan Kentang:
1. Campurkan thyme, rosemary, garlic salt dan bawang kecil dengan ayam. Biarkan selama 10 minit.
2. Potong kentang empat dan rebus hingga 70% masak. Ketepikan di atas pinggan dan tuangkan minyak dan garam di atasnya.
3. Potong pendek baby asparagus dan rebus bersama sedikit garam. Angkat dan ketepikan.
4. Panaskan kuali non-stick, masukkan ayam, tomato dan kentang. Pastikan anda balikkan kentang supaya kentang garing sedikit di setiap permukaan. Ketepikan kentang dan biarkan tomato dan ayam hingga ayam masak.
5. Aturkan salad Salanova, kentang, ayam, tomato dan asparagus di atas pinggan dan taburkan dressing di atasnya.
Resepi Salad Dressing:
60ml tairu
60ml sour cream
2 biji bawang putih - dicincang halus
1 sdm daun bawang - dicincang halus
1 sdm daun sup - dicincang halus
1 sdt serbuk ketumbar
1/2 sdt serbuk lada hitam
1 sdm madu
Bagaimana nak buat salad dressing?
Hanya campurkan semua bahan-bahan dan pukul hingga rata.